You're now in my photo gallery. You'll find five distinct generations of pictures in here, from five different cameras.

The occasional weirdly-colored and grainy picture from the 90s came from my Vivitar 3000, which was my first digital camera. It wasn't a bad camera for its time, but I got the thing in 1998 or so. The main thing that was good about it was that it, unlike most cameras in its generation, had a flash. It's almost useless now, considering that its shutter sensor has now ceased to reliably indicate when the shutter is open or shut - it takes lots of really high-quality photographs of the inside of the shutter, which is much like staring at the insides of your eyelid with your eyes shut.

A lot of pictures from 2000-2003 come from my Agfa EL30 camera, which uses IOMega 40M Clik! (HipZip, Micro-Zip, etc) disks. The image quality was quite adequate for its time, and the price was nice. I'd shoot a full disc of 125 1154x864 resolution images on a single charge of NiMH batteries, and I typically shot upwards of 250 pictures a day when I had subject matter - most notably during my trisp to Germany. The Clik also provided me with my first actual kernel-hacking experiences - until they incorporated actual support later on.

My third camera was a Sipix SC3300; it's a 3.3 megapixel camera with a 16MB internal buffer and a compact flash slot. I picked up a 256M card and ran around taking about as many pictures as I did with the Clik camera for each day of photo shooting. The end of the Sipix's time as my primary camera came when it developed a dark spot on its lens or sensor array (not sure which). The Sipix still works, but it's now a backup camera.

My fourth camera was a Sony Cybershot F-828. It's a very nice camera with 8 megapixels of resolution, and I've acquired a single 4G Hitachi microdrive. With this microdrive, I can store 1039 images or 50 minutes of video - and I routinely shoot 1-2G of material per outing. To save battery life most of the time though, I use a 1GB Sandisk memory stick. It takes less power to write the data than to spin drive spindles, and the camera's total capacity is now at 5GB.

My fifth camera is a Sony Alpha A100 DSLR. While the Nikon and Canon snobs seem offended that it exists, as a SCEA employee I get insanely cheap deals on the camera and its accessories. So I would posit that $X invested in Sony gear is getting me more than $X invested in another brand would. I've taken to shooting raw and using Bibble to develop the images, and it's working out fairly well for me. I'm learning that there's a lot more involved in shooting with a DSLR than any of the previous point+shoot cameras. The F-828 is now my backup camera, and I should probably start keeping the Sipix in my glove compartment in the event of a vehicle accident, etc.

Lastly, this gallery is hosted using a gallery system I wrote myself. Amusingly enough, is actually just a custom DirectoryIndex script. If you like this gallery system and want to know how to configure your server to use one like it, feel free to drop me an email and ask how to do it. I don't feel like bothering to write installation and configuration instructions unless/until someone requests them, however.